Outdoor Water Solutions

How to Control Algae In Your Pond

  • May 3, 2021

A Natural Component to any Pond

Taking good care of a pond can sometimes be a challenge. In fact, the same thing can be said if you have any type of water feature, such as a reflecting pool or water fountain. Whatever the case may be, keeping a balanced environment will help clear your water of any muck or algae, especially in a pond. Although algae are a natural component of the pond, you don’t want it to get out of control. When this happens, the water can begin to look dirty. You want a establish a balance for the benefit of your fish and your pond. Let’s go over some of the steps you can take to help keep algae at bay.

Using an Aeration System

One of the first things you can do to prevent an excessive growth of algae is to install an aeration system. The purpose of an aeration system is to inject oxygen into the pond. By doing this, the aerator will keep the water circulating and moving so that the water won’t become stagnant. The oxygen levels in the pond help to break down excessive nutrients. This helps aerobic bacteria to thrive, which will keep those algae levels at a balanced state. However, remember that you may need something more than just an aerator if you already have a problem with large amounts of algae. In this case, we recommend adding natural algaecides.

Adding Natural Algaecides

When you have excessive amounts of algae growing inside your pond, this could indicate a problem with too many nutrients forming, which can be bad for your pond life. Even if you add an aeration system, it will already be too late. At this point, you will have to consider adding natural algaecides. You can invest in a copper-based algaecide like Cutrine Plus or a copper-free algaecide like GreenClean Algaecide. GreenClean is the only non-copper algaecide on the market today. Moreover, remember to always follow the label for best results and fish safety.

Adding Water Clarifiers

Aside from a natural algaecide, you can also think about adding beneficial bacteria. Although the word bacteria can be confusing, beneficial bacteria can actually help to balance the algae in your pond. The beneficial bacteria will break down organic matter in the pond, such as leaves, sticks, decomposing fish, and other types of excessive nutrients. If you really want to make a big difference in ridding the water of algae, you can use a combination of beneficial bacteria and water clarifiers.

You’ll Notice the Difference

Removing an overgrowth of algae that can get in the way of regular pond activities, including fishing, boating, and swimming, is essential for a healthy pond environment. Now that the summer months are just around the corner, algae are sure to thrive unless you take action. When you follow the tips mentioned in this article, you can see the difference in a matter of days.

Outdoor Water Solutions offers high-quality pond & lake aerators (solar, electric & wind) and aeration windmill systems, fish feeders, fountains, and all-natural pond care products. Please email or call us at 866.471.1614 and we can provide you with a detailed quote and can even help you design the best solar aeration system for your needs.

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