Outdoor Water Solutions

Top 5 Reasons to get a Floating Pond Fountain

  • August 4, 2021

Getting a Clean, Thriving Pond

A pond is a beautiful addition to any landscape, especially if you live on a farm or in a rural area. Moreover, anyone who has taken care of a pond can tell you that it does need a little bit of upkeep. One of the first things you have to think about is aeration. Without proper aeration, you are sure to be missing critical components to having a clean and thriving pond. Additionally, a floating pond fountain, like any of our Classic Line of Floating Pond Fountains, adds beauty to the environment. So why should you invest in a floating pond fountain? Let’s go over five reasons in this article.

Water Quality:

When it comes to your pond, water quality is the most important thing you want to concentrate on improving. Installing a floating pond fountain can help to circulate water throughout the pond. This can create the needed oxygen for plant and fish life. Without oxygen stimulation in a pond, the water will become stagnant and give way to pond muck, foul odors, and bacteria.


Although algae particles are a necessary component in any pond, an overgrowth of algae can also cause problems. Your goal here is to have a proper balance of algae levels. The problem with algae is that it can block or stifle oxygen levels in a pond, which is terrible for pond life. Algae bloom can also create an unpleasant landscape that makes the pond look dirty. As algae need sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to grow, a floating pond fountain can minimize this process to keep algae levels at bay.


A pond is meant to be enjoyed by everyone, so when you begin to smell foul odors coming from your pond, the experience can leave you disappointed. Remember that standing water can quickly create a breeding ground for unwanted bacteria, pond scum, and other types of debris to form. The result can bring foul odors to the water. However, you can prevent this from happening by using a floating pond fountain.

A Healthy Environment:

A floating pond fountain is a great way to promote a healthy environment for your fish. This can also be important if you have a lot of fish in your pond. In this case, you will want to invest in a pond fountain that can properly distribute a large amount of oxygen levels throughout your pond. Oxygen will stimulate growth for your fish and allow them to live longer. Aeration is beneficial for all types of pond fish, such as Koi.

Pests and Insects:

When it comes to your pond, you always want your water to keep circulating. The last thing you want is standing water in the middle of a hot summer day. In fact, within just a few days, stagnant water can attract mosquitoes and other pests. However, with a floating pond fountain, you will be able to keep your water moving around your pond. Rest assured that you will notice the difference in just a couple of days.

Outdoor Water Solutions offers high-quality pond & lake aerators (solar, electric & wind) and aeration windmill systems, fish feeders, fountains, and all-natural pond care products. Please email or call us at 866.471.1614 and we can provide you with a detailed quote and can even help you design the best solar aeration system for your needs.

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