Floating Pond Fountain Timer
The Floating Pond Fountain Timer is a high-quality floating pond fountain timer that is easy to use.
- 110/115 volts
- Ability to program when your fountain switches on or off
- Can be programmed to work with day/night cycle
- Lighting circuit includes a photocell
Works with any 2 prong or 3 prong plug in for fountain motors and/or lights. Does not work with low voltage lights as you would need a separate transformer.
Benefits of Adding a Floating Pond Fountain
Optimizing Your Pond
A pond can give your layout an aesthetically pleasing landscape along with a beautiful setup for your pond life. To get the most out of your pond, you will have to do a few things. However, let’s concentrate on one of the most critical things in this article. This is, of course, adding a floating pond fountain like the 3HP Classic Fountain from Outdoor Water Solutions. Let’s go over five benefits that you can get from adding this water feature:
If you plan on having fish life in your pond, they will need oxygen to survive and thrive. A floating pond fountain can oxygenate your pond. Moreover, it is also essential that you invest in a pond fountain that can accommodate the size of your pond. The primary purpose of any aerating system is to keep the water moving. A balanced ecosystem is what you want to achieve with your floating pond fountain.
A Relaxing Atmosphere:
The floating pond fountain works to give your pond a healthy layout while giving you a gorgeous and relaxing addition. You may even see the difference in your fish, frogs, turtles, and other types of pond animals. They may seem much livelier and happier. The sound of the falling water coming from the pond fountain will also contribute to the relaxing environment.
Improves Water Quality:
Improving water quality for your pond is important. As you create healthy oxygen levels for your pond life, you will begin to see an improvement in healthy bacteria, aquatic organisms, balanced algae levels, and more. In combination, all of these benefits will improve your water quality.
Want to know more about adding a Floating Pond Fountain? Click here!