Outdoor Water Solutions

How Much Pond Colorant Should You Use?

  • June 25, 2014

When using a pond colorant or pond dye to control the algae levels in your pond, it is important that you use enough dye to effectively limit the light that gets to the algae. Algae is just like any other plant that depends on photosynthesis, if you take away the light, it can no longer continue to grow. As you know, each pond is different and there is no automatic answer for how much dye you should put in your pond, but we do have a few tips to help you figure out the right amount.

Pond Dye | Pond Aeration
Pond with Colorant and Aeration

The first step in figuring out how much dye to use is to find out how much water you have in your pond. To do this, you need to know the average depth and the acreage of your pond. Multiplying acreage and the average depth of your pond will let you know how many acre feet your pond is. From here you can start to have a better understanding of how much pond dye to add based on the product. For example, our All Natural Deep Blue Pond Dye is designed to cover 4-6 acre feet of water per bottle. Your pond might require more than this if it is your first time using a dye in your pond.

Another way to find out if you are using enough pond dye is to look if you can see the bottom of the pond at a depth of 18-24 inches. To help restrict the growth of algae, you do not want to be able to see the bottom of your pond at a depth of 18-24”. If you still can see the bottom, we would suggest adding a small amount of pond dye over a period of time.  You can always add more dye to help keep the sunlight off of the bottom if you want.

We recommend keeping a pond dye in your pond year round, even during the winter when some ponds freeze over. Algae can continue to grow under icy ponds and maintaining this a good color in your pond can help you prevent algae over growth all year.  Outdoor Water Solutions sells a wide range of pond dye’s including Aquashade, Lake & Pond Blue Dye, Lake & Pond Black Dye, Lake & Pond Deep Blue Dye.  The Lake & Pond Dye Blue is available in quarts and also gallons with both being 4x more concentrated than other dye’s sold through retail stores.

Here at Outdoor Water Solutions, we are committed to helping you find exactly what you are looking for. If you have any questions about our pond dyes and how to use them, then please click here to visit our contact page. We will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

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