Outdoor Water Solutions

Pond Basics: How-To’s To Keep Your Pond Clean

  • January 18, 2023

A pond is a stunning addition to any landscape. It has a natural, one-of-a-kind layout that goes well with the surroundings. In addition, although ponds enhance any landscape, proper maintenance is essential. At first, it might seem hard. However, once you get the hang of it, it can be a straightforward process. So let’s talk about ways to improve your pond’s beauty.

Proactive  Versus Reactive

There are two approaches to maintaining a pond: active or passive. Your best bet for keeping your pond clean and beautiful is to take preventative measures. Reactive methods, however, can clear gunk or pond muck in a matter of days. Which is superior? As referenced, the proactive attempts to keep your lake in a solid state. When trouble spots appear in your pond, the reactive method may include performing spot treatments. Adding Outdoor Water Solutions Pond Pack to your pond is one of the best things you can do. A pond dye, aerobic bacteria, and water clarifier are all included in each pack. Together, these three work to keep your pond clean throughout the year.

Cleaners and Bacteria

Pond muck is a mixture of algae, excessive nutrients, animal waste, leaves, and branches. This kind of buildup can be avoided in your pond by using natural algaecides or herbicides. In addition, we recommend adding concentrated aerobic bacteria to a barley straw medium and using a water clarifier if you have issues with excessive nutrients at the bottom of your pond. Both of these come in the OWS Pond Pack. The Pond Pack and other bacteria packs and water clarifiers can be found here.  The bacteria play a role in the water column’s breakdown of excess nutrients. Additionally, it consumes extra organic matter that accumulates in your pond’s bottom. Together with pond dye, a water clarifier helps maintain the health of your pond by controlling excess phosphorous in the water.

Pond Dyes

The sun is one of the main factors that can accelerate the growth of bacteria and algae blooms. This can be especially true in the summer when the hottest temperatures provide the ideal conditions for the development of algae and bacteria. Pond muck can form because the sun’s rays can seep deep into the water. On the other hand, pond dyes are the ideal choice to provide additional protection. Pond dyes block a lot of sunlight and create shade.

At Outdoor Water Solutions, we offer a variety of pond aerators & solar pond aerators providing you with the options needed to pick the perfect pond aerator for your pond. We always enjoy working with clients on ways to improve the quality of their ponds’ health & solutions for pond maintenance so, if you have any questions or would like more information on our solar pond aerators, contact us at 866.471.1614 today!

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