Category: Windmill Aeration
Outdoor Water Solutions
Windmills can be used for a lot of things. They can be used to pump water, produce electricity and grind grain. They can also be used to compress air; these windmills are called aeration windmills. Aeration windmills were developed about 30 years ago and have been improving ever...
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BalCam II Compressor Outdoor Water Solutions introduced a new breakthrough compressor design in 2007 that pumped more air at a higher psi through a single diaphragm utilizing a balanced camshaft approach and was named the “BalCam” Compressor. The compressor workload was balanced across the camshaft and center bearing which...
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Is a Wind-Driven Aeration System right for me? Windmill Aerator Options: Every Aeration windmill that Outdoor Water Solutions sells has the same windmill head. We use the same blades, hub assembly, compressor, tail arms, and tail fins on all of our windmills. The only difference between the windmill shown...
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Pond Algae Prevention Pond algae is a common problem in a majority of ponds, especially if they are more than 3 to 4 years old. Algae can come in many different shapes and sizes, but the most common is filamentous algae that looks like clumps and float in the...
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We often get the question, “Why use a windmill for pond or lake aeration when there are other aeration options out there?” The answer is quite simple. Your pond needs aeration to keep it healthy and using a windmill for aeration is one option for doing that. Windmill aerators...
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